
通过英语系, 学生探索他们的创造力, 磨练他们的写作技巧, 实施研究技术.


Coleen Grissom Award for Excellence in English
Named for one of 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s most legendary English professors, 的 Coleen Grissom Award for Excellence in English honors students who show exceptional skill in 的 study of English-language literature.​​​​

June Cook奖学金|创意写作
Students who have developed original and compelling creative works may be selected by creative writing faculty for 的 June Cook Scholarship.



Find out more scholarship and financial aid information through 的 学生金融服务办公室.



English students learn to use digital research tools and develop 的ir own critical thinking skills. Most of our senior-level seminars are research-oriented, putting 的 literature in a critical context, 历史背景, 或两个.

Advanced majors may participate in a research semester, working intensely in a small group with a faculty member on a directed project. Students may also opt to write a senior 的sis, a year-long project that earns 6 hours of credit and focuses on a single topic.

All of 的se opportunities culminate in a long critical-analytic paper that allows students to move from idea, 研究, 来论证.

艺术本科研究 & 人文学科
艺术本科研究 & 人文学科 promotes under研究生 research in 的 arts and humanities at 圣赌博平台网站大全. 的 program integrates high-impact research experiences into 的 curriculum, 尤其是在低年级课程中, and creates and supports a diverse and inclusive community of under研究生 researchers in 的 arts and humanities. Summer research opportunities are also available.


Under研究生 research is central to 圣赌博平台网站大全's values. 的 体验式学习办公室 provides a place for students to gain information about internships, community service and service-learning opportunities, 课堂之外的课程项目, and under研究生 research opportunities.


Today, cross-cultural understanding is as much a practical necessity as an educational standard. Study abroad is an embodiment of 的 liberal arts ideals and a sign of 的 initiative and breadth often looked for by employers.

Students may study English language and literature through a different cultural lens in Great Britain, 澳大利亚, 新西兰, 或爱尔兰.


留学办公室 can help you find an opportunity based on your interests and/or studies. 



Students may hold hands-on internships with local writing and publication organizations and firms, 还有政府机构, 非营利组织, 社会正义组织, 艺术画廊, 营销公司.

的 Writing Internship offers students 的 opportunity to work closely with local magazines and newspapers, 的 赌博平台网站大全出版社 and 圣安东尼奥 writing organizations such as 双子座的墨水.

另外, many courses integrate service-learning components to bring literature and language into 的 community.

最后,在赌博娱乐平台网址大全 写作中心, students can gain work experience as peer tutors and writing consultants.


赌博娱乐平台网址大全使用 握手系统 to share all job and internship opportunities with students.




赌博娱乐平台网址大全审查 is a creative publication by 圣赌博平台网站大全 and 的 English department, 每年四月生产. It is run by students and relies on creative submissions, 包括照片, 雕塑, 诗歌, 还有短篇小说, 来自赌博娱乐平台网址大全社区.

解释者 is 圣赌博平台网站大全’s journal of under研究生 humanities research run by 的 艺术本科研究 & 人文学科 in 的 人文学科 and 的 English department. It gives students a unique opportunity to see 的ir writing through 的 process of academic editing and publication, 在印刷品和网上.

1966年:《赌博娱乐平台网址大全》 is a professional literary journal that publishes exceptional non-fiction all over 的 world. 由学生和教师共同工作, 《赌博娱乐平台网址大全》, 在第一年, merited three notable essays in 的 Best American Essays 2014.

正午 is a student-managed literary magazine dedicated to moments of revelation, transition, and epiphany.



  • Confer distinction for high achievement in English language and literature in under研究生, 研究生, 以及专业学习
  • 提供, 通过地方分会, cultural stimulation on college campuses and promote interest in literature and 的 English language in surrounding communities
  • Foster all aspects of 的 discipline of English,包括 literature, language, and writing
  • Promote exemplary character and good fellowship among its members
  • Exhibit high standards of academic excellence
  • 通过培养文化来服务社会

With over 750 active chapters located in Europe, 加勒比海, 和美国, 不止1个,000名教师赞助者, 大概是8,每年有500名会员入会.

Sigma Tau Delta's central purpose is to confer distinction upon students of 的 English language and literature in under研究生, 研究生, 以及专业学习. Sigma Tau Delta also recognizes 的 accomplishments of professional writers who have contributed to 的 fields of language and literature.

赌博娱乐平台网址大全, Sigma Tau Delta invites all students who have at least six hours of English beyond English 1302 and a GPA of 3.50分,3分.50 in 的ir English courses to become active members of Sigma Tau Delta.


使用 学生组织门户网站 to join an active organization or start one on campus.
