• Ph.D.密歇根大学 
    • M.A.渥太华大学 
    • B.A.奥克拉荷马大学 
    • Aršāma and his World: The Bodleian Letters in Context; vol. 2:大疱和海豹. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020 (with W.F.M. 亨克尔曼和丹尼兹·卡坦).
    • The Art of Empire in Achaemenid Persia: Studies in Honour of Margaret Cool Root. 阿契美尼德历史. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten/Peters, 2020 (co-editor with E.R.M. 杜辛伯雷和W.F.M. Henkelman).
    • “Sigillophobe Suppliers and Idiosyncratic Scribes: Local Information Handling in Achaemenid Pārsa.” In The Art of Empire in Achaemenid Persia: Studies in Honour of Margaret Cool Root, M.B. 驻军,E.R.M. 杜辛伯雷和W.F.汉克尔曼主编.), 167-286. 阿契美尼德历史. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten/Peeters, 2020 (with W.F.M. Henkelman).
    • “A Demotic Tablet or Two in the Persepolis Fortification Archive.” ARTA 2019.3 .答案:A. Azzoni J. 约翰逊,B. mu, C. 钱德勒和E. Daly).
    • 第一个千年的古埃及语.” 在埃兰的世界里, J. Alvarez-Mon G. P. 巴塞洛和Y. 威克斯(eds.), 649–72. 伦敦:劳特利奇出版社,2018.
    • The Ritual Landscape at Persepolis: Glyptic Imagery from the Persepolis Fortification and Treasury Archives. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 72. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2017. 2018年Ehsan Yarshater图书奖.
    • “Sealing Practice in Achaemenid Times.” In Die Verwaltung im Achämenidenreich – Imperiale Muster und Strukturen. Administration in the Achaemenid Empire – Tracing the Imperial Signature: Akten des 6. Internationalen Kolloquiums zum Thema “Vorderasien im Spannungsfeld klassicher und altorientalischer Überlieferungen” aus Anlass der 80-Jahr-Feier der Entdeckung des Festungsarchivs von Persepolis, 巴塞尔城堡, 14.-17. Mai 2013, B. 雅各布斯,W.F.M. 亨克尔曼和M.W. Stolper (eds.), pp. 517–80. 经典与东方. 巴塞尔:Harrassowitz出版社,2017.
    • “Beyond Auramazdā and the Winged Symbol: Imagery of the Divine and Numinous at Persepolis.” In La religion perse à l’époque achéménide: état de la question et perspectives de recherché, W.F.M. 亨克尔曼和C. Redard (eds.), pp. 185–246. 经典与东方. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017.
    • "大流士一世的王名印章.” In Extraction and Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper W.F.M. Henkelman, C.J. 琼斯和C. 木材(eds.), pp. 67–104. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilizations 68. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2014.
    • “作为艺术史的雕文研究”.” In Critical Approaches to Ancient Near Eastern Art, B.A. 布朗和M.H. 费尔德曼(主编),页. 481–513. 柏林:Walter de Gruyter, 2014.
    • 皇家阿契美尼德肖像画." In 古伊朗牛津手册, D.T. Potts (ed.), pp. 566–95. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
    • “印章,古代近东." In 古代历史百科全书, R.S. Bagnall K. Brodersen C.B. 冠军,. 厄斯金和S.R. Hoebner (eds.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Press, 2013.
    • "Antiquarianism, Copying, Collecting." In A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, D.T. Potts (ed.), pp. 27–47. 伦敦:Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
    • "Les arts visuels du début de l’ère achéménide ont-ils représenté l’autel du feu et le feu sacré zoroastriens?" 宗教 & 故事 44 (2012): 42–45.
    • “奥玛兹达恩: Kingship and the Divine in the Early Achaemenid Period." In More than Men, Less than Gods: Studies in Royal Cult and Imperial WorshipProceedings of the International Colloquium Organized by the Belgian School at Athens (1–2 November 2007), P.P. Iossif,.D Chankowski和C.C. Lorber (eds.), pp. 15–104. Studia Hellenistica 51, Leuven-Paris-Walpole MA: Peters, 2011.
    • 以拦和波斯. Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, 2011 (co-author and co-editor with J. Alvarez-Mon).
    • 猎野猪笔记(PFS 2323)." Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 54 (2011): 17–20.
    • “引言”和“后记”." In 以拦和波斯, J. Alvarez-Mon和M. B. 驻军(eds.), pp. 1-32和489-493. 薇诺娜湖:艾森布朗出版社,2011 (co-author with J. Alvarez-Mon和David Stronach).
    • "The Seal of 'Kuraš the Anzanite, Son of Šešpeš' (Teispes), PFS 93*: Susa – Anšan – Persepolis." In 以拦和波斯, J. Alvarez-Mon和M. B. 驻军(eds.), pp. 375–405. 薇诺娜湖:艾森布朗出版社,2011.
    • "The Heroic Encounter in the Visual Arts of Ancient Iraq and Iran c. 1000–500 B.C." In The Master of Animals in Old World Iconography, ed. D.B. 计数和B. 阿诺德,页. 151–174. Archaeolingua. 2010年布达佩斯.
    • "Seals Bearing Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from the Persepolis Fortification Archive." ARTA 2010.002(与罗伯特·里特纳合著).
    • "Archers at Persepolis: The Emergence of Royal Ideology at the Heart of the Empire." In The World of Achaemenid Persia, History, Art and Society in Iran and the Ancient Near East, ed. J. 柯蒂斯和圣. 约翰·辛普森,pp. 337–368. 金牛座:2010伦敦.

    My primary research interests are the glyptic arts of ancient Iran and Iraq in the early first millennium BC. I specialize in the glyptic preserved on two large archives from Persepolis, the Persepolis Fortification tablets and the Persepolis Treasury tablets.

    Margaret Cool Root and I are authors of Seals on the Persepolis Fortification Tablets, Volume I: Images of Heroic Encounter, Oriental Institute Publications 117 (Chicago 2001). In addition to the documentary work represented in that publication, my research has focused upon social aspects of glyptic production in workshops in Persepolis, especially the issues surrounding the impact of individuals of high status and/or administrative rank on the development of glyptic style and iconography in the early Achaemenid period. This work has also addressed the emergence and development of royal ideology in glyptic at Persepolis, religious imagery in Achaemenid art, and the relationship of glyptic of the early Achaemenid period with earlier glyptic traditions in Elam and Mesopotamia.

    • Art and Archaeology of Ancient Iran and Iraq 
    • Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt 
    • Survey of Art, Prehistoric to Medieval